Thursday, June 2, 2016

Linux Xen Virtualization

Linux Load Balancers

Linux High Availability Cluster

Configure DHCP in Linux

First Go to the rpm directory where dhcp rpm is stored

# rpm -ivh dhcp-version-number.rpm

# vim /etc/dhcpd.conf

and then paste the following lines in that file

subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "";
option netbios-name-servers;
option routers; #Default Gateway Address
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 2678400;
max-lease-time 2878400;

#To fix an IP Address

host computername {
hardware ethernet 00:50:da:65:07:74;

save and exit the file

# service dhcpd start
# service dhcpd status
if "service is running" message appears then you have successfully configured the Dhcp Server. Now enable the clients to get IP from dhcp server by typing command
# setup
Then select Network configuration
and Select your LAN Card
Check the dhcp option by pressing spacebar and then quit and restart the network service

# service network restart

to permanently ON the dhcp service at startup, type command

# chkconfig --level 35 dhcpd on

Feel free for any further queries

Muhammad Farrukh`

Enabling NTFS Support in Linux

This SOP of NTFS support in linux is especially for NEWBIES.

Method#1 A most simple procedure is to install kmod-ntfs through yum. Remember you must have yum-repository for kmod-ntfs installed and copy the commands withour #

# yum install kmod-ntfs

then run the mount command e.g:

# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/NtfsDrive

sda1 is XpWindowsDrive which can be different in your case, so replace sda1 accordingly. while /mnt/NtfsDrive is mount point, you can define it according to your needs.

Method#2 If you find yourself unlucky in Step#1, then don't worry just follow this this Method.

just download 2 RPMS from the given links

Go to the directory where rpms have been downloaded and run commands in the given order

# rpm -ivh fuse-2.7.3-61.2.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh ntfsprogs-2.0.0-3.i586.rpm

Now mount your NTFS drive by the following command. See Method#1 for sda1 and /mnt/NtfsDrive descriptions

# ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/NtfsDrive

Note: ntfsmount command is used to mount NTFS drives, but to unmount these drives we will use traditional umount command. Congratulations you have successfully enabled NTFS support

To mount NTFS drives permanently just add an entry in /etc/fstab file as follows

# vim /etc/fstab

/dev/sda1 /mnt/NtfsDrive ntfs defaults 0 0

after saving /etc/fstab, restart your Linux Box and enjoy.

Oh ho.. you didn't find any success? No problem

put a # sign in start of ntfs entry in /etc/fstab and save the file, now follow these commands

# vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local

modprobe fuse
ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/NtfsDrive -o force

now save the file and exit.

You can also make a simple script instead of adding entries in rc.local

I put an example for KDE lovers

# vim /root/.kde/Autostart/

Below is the context of script

modprobe fuse

ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/NtfsDrive -o force

now by saving the script by pressing ESC button and then typing :wq!
just make that script executable

# chmod +x
OR # chmod 777

Now restart your machine and enjoy.
Do Inform me in case of any succes/failure.

Best Regards
Muhammad Farrukh`